2014年12月27日 星期六

SSP★ThursdayHOT★2015/1/8,15,22,29(Thu)20:30-23:30★ Salsa Bachata Social Party Taipei

Thursday Party is getting more & more HOT now!!
If you don't know how to dance Salsa…..
don't miss the special arranged FREE LESSON before start the party!
If you are a Salsa Beginner, lets start salsa social from here, enjoy the music and dance together, its so much fun^^
And if you are already loving salsa social, why not just come and join for weekday dance for fun??

20:25~ Door Open 開始入場
20:30~ FreeLesson (Topics below)
              入門Free Lesson 
21:00~ Social Party 邀舞派對
             DJ  Music Directed by Akira
23:30  Close 派對結束

☆Free Lesson Topics☆
1/ 8(Thu) Beginners Salsa Cuban
1/15(Thu) Beginners Salsa Cuban
1/22(Thu) Beginners Salsa Cuban
1/29(Thu) Beginners Salsa Cuban

... Thursday Party is great because ...
★we have free lessons for beginners, no need experience
★review or try basic steps for all salsa dancers
★good to start salsa social, its safe! lets get more social experience, on1 or on2 or cuban or... no conditions
★good for health, easy, fun workout without stress!!

please feel free to contact me^^ lets step & step & step!!

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☆ Free Lessons by Frank & Aurora Members!! ☆
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每個星期四的"ThursdayHOT",為初學者按排Free Lesson & Party!!
我們在派對開始時、特別為剛開始接觸Salsa的朋友安排了入門Free Lesson~

★安排了入門Free Lesson,毫無基礎的朋友能輕鬆上手。

★Salud! Salsa Party★
台北市中山区南京東路三段216巷23-1(御膳亭) MRT南京東路st.
* Please keep CARM when go outside of the shop.
* Please DON'T bring-in ANY food or drink.
♪please join & share & invite friends,thanks♪