2014年12月27日 星期六

SSP★SensualSalsa★2015/1/17,31 (sat)21:30-midnite★ Salsa Bachata Social Party Taipei

Salud! SensualSalsa... 2 nights in this month!!
We play more Bachata with Salsa music for this party, lets make the weekend night Special & Sensual♡don't be shy...lets dance:)

21:15 ~ Door Open 
21:30 ~ Social Party
~ midnite Party Close

1/17(sat) DJ Johnson
1/31(sat) DJ Johnson

*NT$200 with a drink.
* Free Lesson Topics valies.
★Salud! Salsa Party★
台北市中山区南京東路三段216巷23-1(御膳亭跡) MRT南京東路st.
* Please keep CARM when go outside of the shop.
* Please DON'T bring-in ANY food or drink.